See a TAXA
Let the Adventure Begin.
Learn how to choose your adventure vehicle, place a deposit, connect with a dealer, and get financing - with the support along the way from our Habitat Specialists.
Talk to a Habitat Specialist
Got questions about the design or functionality? Have general camping questions? Want to know how to finance an adventure vehicle, or find your nearest TAXA dealer? A Habitat Specialist can help! Habitat Specialists are available to answer any and all of your questions about TAXA’s mobile adventure vehicles.
Book a time to chat with one of our Habitat Specialists or call 866-OUT-IS-IN to talk with TAXA Now.
Find a Dealer
TAXA vehicles are sold exclusively through approved dealer partners. Use our dealer locator to find a
Explore Vehicles
Browse and compare models, select your preferred options, and place a refundable deposit ot reserve your perfect adventure vehicle.
Which Vehicle is Right for Me?
Not sure which habitat is right for your adventuring? Enter some basic info to see which of our camping trailers best fits your needs.